Janhvi Kapoor is gearing up for her upcoming film Devara: Part 1. Directed by Koratala Siva, the film will see her collaborate with Jr NTR for the first time. The film also features Saif Ali Khan who plays the antagonist. Amidst all the buzz, Janhvi has dropped photos in two stunning looks.
Janhvi Kapoor took to her social media handle to share glamorous photos of her latest looks for Devara: Part 1’s promotions. The first look sees her don a beaded blue saree. The actress looked like a princess in the elegantly draped, unconventional saree look. She also wore a pretty saree in shades of pink paired with an embroidered blouse.
Janhvi is known to embrace method-dressing while promoting her films. Looks like she is donning mermaid-inspired ensembles since Devara is set in a coastal town.
Check out the photos here: