Rajkumar Santoshi directorial and Aamir Khan Productions backed Lahore 1947 has been wrapped up. It is scheduled to be released on January 26, 2025. The movie stars Aamir Khan, Preity Zinta, Ali Fazal, and Sunny Deol in pivotal roles. However, a source close to Filmfare has revealed that Mona Singh was initially cast in the movie but couldn’t commit to it eventually.
According to the source, “Mona Singh’s audition for Lahore 1947 was one that really won over the casting directors and crew. She was going to be cast opposite Sunny Deol in the film. But due to scheduling clashes, she was unable to make it work.”
While Mona could not commit to the movie, it has finished its intense filming and is scheduled to mesmerize the audience soon. On the work front, Mona Singh was recently confirmed alongside Barun Sobti for Kohrra season 2.
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