Alia Bhatt has set the stage on fire with the teaser for her latest song, Chal Kudiye, featuring Diljit Dosanjh. Released recently, the teaser has quickly become a hit among fans, who are eagerly anticipating the full track. In the teaser, Diljit Dosanjh dazzles in a white outfit, while Alia Bhatt looks stunning in black, adding to the excitement.
Their previous collaboration, Ik Kudi from Udta Punjab, was a massive success, and the teaser for Chal Kudiye suggests another blockbuster in the making. Fans have already labelled it a superhit and are buzzing with enthusiasm.
Alia shared the teaser on Instagram, teasing fans with a glimpse of the song’s energetic vibe and catchy lyrics. With anticipation building, it looks like Chal Kudiye is set to be the next big hit in the music world.
Check it out: