Sharing the first photos from their wedding ceremony, Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth’s joint post read, “You are my Sun, my Moon, and all my Stars…/To being Pixie Soulmates for eternity…to laughter, to never growing up…/To Eternal Love, Light & Magic – Mrs & Mr Adu-Siddhu.”
Check it out here:
Aditi Rao Hydari can be seen in her bridal attire, a golden saree. The groom, Siddharth opted for a white kurta. One photo shows them at the mandap with their hands folded during the wedding ceremony. Another pic sees them posing against a picturesque backdrop. Aditi also shared pics from what looks like their post-wedding photoshoot.
Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth announced their engagement through an Instagram post in March. Since then, they have been tight-lipped about their wedding plans. Their wedding was an intimate affair with close family and friends in attendance.
Check out all the photos here: