Alia Bhatt recently reunited with her RRR co-star Jr NTR in Mumbai while promoting their respective upcoming films Jigra and Devara: Part 1. Alia took to Instagram to share a series of pictures, captioning it, “Two worlds collide! #Devara Trailer and #Jigra Teaser Trailer are hereee.” The trio was seen posing together, with Alia donning a sleek ash coloured leather bodycon dress, Jr NTR in casual attire, and Karan Johar sporting a peach shirt with a black jacket.
The post has gained a lot of attention and fans are excited to see their favourite stars team up once again. The trio recorded a special promotional video for their respective films, with Karan Johar distributing Devara in the North and producing Alia’s upcoming action-thriller Jigra which is set to release on October 11.
While Devara: Part 1, starring Jr NTR, Saif Ali Khan, and Janhvi Kapoor, is scheduled to hit theatres on September 27, fans are eagerly awaiting the cinematic magic that both these films promise.