Heart of Stone, starring Gal Gadot as Rachel Stone, follows a highly skilled spy working for a covert organization known as the Charter. Alia’s role as Keya Dhawan was a key part of the film’s success, marking her impressive entry into the world of Hollywood. The film’s blend of espionage and action showcased Alia’s versatility and opened new doors for her in both Bollywood and Hollywood. In her Instagram post, Alia shared behind-the-scenes photos with Gal Gadot and expressed her awe at how quickly a year has passed. She reflected on the impact of the experience and expressed gratitude for her co-stars and the crew.
Beyond Heart of Stone, Alia is making waves with upcoming projects. She will star alongside Ranbir Kapoor in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love & War, and in Alpha, directed by Shiv Rawail, which is set to highlight strong female characters in the action genre.
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