Rockstar’s red-headed step-child Bully has resurfaced via two ratings boards, sparking hope that a remaster could be on the way. However, it isn’t quite that simple.
Australia rated Bully (Canis Canem Edit) on August 2nd for a platform that wasn’t specific. Gematsu also spotted that Taiwan had rated Bully for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X and and PC. The Xbox 360 version of the cult classic was also rated again, though Gematsu believes that to in error.
Naturally this gave rise to speculation that Rockstar might be launching a new edition of the game, perhaps similar to last year’s re-release of Red Dead Redemption.
Bully is already actually available on a few modern platforms, too, much like RDR. It can be played on PS4 via a PS2-emulated edition, for example, and Bully: Scholarship Edition is on Steam.
However, there is actually a far more reasonable, albeit incredibly disappointing reason for this new ratings; Rockstar announced on August 1st that Bully will be added to its GTA+ subscription service on August 20th. It seems very likely that this new ratings have something to do with this.
This has also sparked discussion though, with some people arguing that Rockstar wouldn’t need to get new ratings if they are just releasing existing versions of the game onto their service. As someone who doesn’t know much about the legalities behind the ratings system, this sounds like a reasonable argument