Kyoto Animation, an industry defining anime studio, is coming back with a new series next year from...
Disney Plus’ Percy Jackson series has found its Thalia Grace — punk-rock daughter of Zeus who doesn’t...
Persona 5 was a ridiculously long game, and it looks like the next title from the devs...
Despite years without firm updates, Netflix confirmed last week that an official Magic: The Gathering animated series...
If you’ve gotten all excited about Linkin Park making a return, and are still powering through 2AM...
If you are purchasing a digital copy from the Nintendo eShop, preloads are now available, meaning you...
Marvel has finally released the first trailer for Thunderbolts*, offering you a chance to play “Wait, Which...
September’s State of Play will stream live at 6 p.m. EDT/3 p.m. PDT/11 p.m. BST on the...
Amazon Games and Maverick Games are working on a AAA racing game, that much we knew already....
Terada: We were exploring a few different ways to play the game in parallel. In one approach,...