Magic: The Gathering’s Secret Lair drops — limited-edition trading cards created in collaboration with other franchises and...
Tekken 8 faced some serious criticism due to Bandai Namco’s decision to sell Heihachi’s new stage seperately...
Everyone has had the same question for Shinichirō Watanabe since the late 1990s: When can we get...
Monster Hunter Now feels like the biggest secret you’re probably not in on. In the West, I...
For an indication of the potential pitfalls in working with outside partners, look no further than one...
3 Minutes to Midnight debuted earlier this year on PC, but now its come to console where...
Helldivers 2‘s just gotten afresh Major Order, and I’m sad to say you’re not getting any rest...
Each week on Polygon, we round up the most notable new releases to streaming and VOD, highlighting...
Sony has announced that the hugely successful Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will land on PC in January of...
Playing Heartworm’s demo as part of October’s Steam Next Fest was a headache-inducing time, admittedly, but it...