The Legend of Vox Machina is a chance for the cast of Critical Role to revamp their...
Subnautica 2 has just got a cinematic teaser trailer at the Xbox Partner Showcase in a slick...
In the house of Polygon, Halloween lasts all of October. We’ve been summoning the spirits of the...
Wuchang: Fallen Feathers was one of few titles confirmed ahead of time to be shown at tonight’s...
Want to learn Japanese by playing video games and watching anime? A band of YouTubers — with...
2K has announced Project Ethos, a new “3rd-person roguelike hero shooter” – yep, here’s another one of...
The first episode of the Dandadan anime adapts a scene that nearly put me off the manga...
Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii has just gotten a fresh trailer during today’s Xbox Partner...
The Game Awards’ most controversial category is probably Best Independent Game, for a few reasons. Among a...
Netflix might be controlling its spending a little bit now, but is also still looking to put...