An outrageous comedy inspired by video games, Looney Tunes, and silent movies, Hundreds of Beavers follows a...
Gladiator 2 might not even be out yet, and Ridley Scott might be getting quite close to...
Lots of folks say they want to get started painting miniatures, but they’re just not overly fond...
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number was at the centre of a few controversies when it released nearly...
Finally, it’s here, the announcement all you Mario and Zelda fans have been waiting for… the...
If you want a chance to relive the beauty of 2023’s best animated movie (I said what...
I’m not exactly sure what Sega’s gameplan here is, but the developer has another live-action adaptation...
Pinball Spire blends two of my favorite game genres: pinball and Metroidvania-style video games. That rare combination...
It’s been a little over one day now since the launch of Vessel of Hatred, the first...
Most Mario players know that the enemy called Boo is a bit mischievous. Face one head-on and...