Kartik Aaryan and Triptii Dimri are set to reunite for a new romantic drama directed by Anurag Basu. According to recent reports, filming for the project is scheduled to begin on September 24. This collaboration comes after their first on-screen pairing in the much-anticipated horror comedy Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, which is set for a Diwali release.
Kartik Aaryan, known for his passion for love stories, is eager to embrace his role in this romantic film. Triptii Dimri is also excited about exploring the romantic genre alongside Kartik. The film will be shot at various locations across India from September to February, aiming to deliver timeless music and an engaging love story.
Recent speculations about Kartik and Triptii working together on Aashiqui 3 have been clarified. Producer Bhushan Kumar has confirmed that the new project is not connected to the Aashiqui franchise, but is an entirely different romantic film directed by Basu.